Friday, October 19, 2012

Prayer chain.

I need all my warriors to pray. Cardiac MRI scheduled for this morning. To evaluate Liam's pulmonary veins and to check his right ventricle to see if he is a candidate for a future surgery. This would be to make him a double ventricle heart, making blood easier to push through. Please pray to our Lord and Savior that this boy still has a chance. God, thank you for these physicians. They have hopefully found another chance for my little angel. To survive. Please let them find a possibility! We believe in hope and miracles!!!!!


  1. Heavenly Father,first and foremost thank you for everything that you do for each and everyone of us. Please let little Liams test show even better results so that we may give all the glory to You. Give the family more good news,comfort them,give them peace Lord. Thank you for keeping your arms around them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

  2. I have been following your blog since a friend posted on FB. I wake up thinking of your sweet boy and going to bed praying for him! I am a grandma of a precious little boy and another baby boy due in 3 weeks! I believe in miracles and prayers!!! Trusting that our Heavenly Father provides you family THIS answer!!! Your strength and courage is amazing. Love to Liam .....
