Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 48

My little man....he is so adorable.. Chris got to hold him today and then it was my turn to hold. Liam loved every minute of it and so did we. Its amazing how his nurse can work around us. They are able to change his diaper, suction him, give him his meds all while we are holding him. The only reason I gave him up today was because he needed an abdominal xray. They did restart his feeds at a very low dose but just after a short while of being back on his belly became firm again. The physician said it looked like gas, they discontinued his feeds again tonight, hoping to give him a break. The physician listened to his belly and he does not have much bowel sounds. The poor boy has never gotten a real chance to eat for an extended period of time to help his intestines work properly. His weight was significantly up today so they started him back on another diuretic to help with the fluid. He is back to looking more like me again. ( Chubby cheeks). :) he had another fun day full of visitors. Everybody from yesterday came back to spend more time with him and Aunt Dana, Uncle Jeff and cousin Bryson came today along with my Aunt Becky Aunt Dana still recovering from her own surgery and Uncle Jeff coming from a conference. All met up to see baby Liam. Bryson interacted with Liam today and held his hand. So heartwarming. I will never forget that moment ever!!!!! (wait till you see that picture- thats a framer). Liam was awake for a couple hours today. I got a lot of time with him. We did some exercises and played patty-cake. He was a very happy boy today. Much more comfortable then yesterday. Unfortunately it's at the expense of not eating. No changes made on his ventilator. I wish he could catch a break. He just needs one!!

God had special plans for me even before I was born
Galatians 1:15
There is just one
Just one who is you
That makes you quite special
It's so very true
God made only one
Just one cause he knew
You'd have some important
Just-you things to do.


  1. Angie...I was starting to worry...I check yesterday and there was no update and I just checked like 5 minuets ago and still no update and then it popped up....I am so happy that family is aloud to visit....that has to make your day....keep up the good work with loving your little boy and we will keep up with the prayers...good night for now and god bless

  2. Angie, What a beautiful baby boy! We are all praying for him. It looks like you and your husband have a wonderful support system. God Bless all of you.
    Frank,Debbie,Frankie and Leah Ferraro

  3. Angie, I too was also glad to see your post. There's nothing like the feeling of being surrounded with love. I read your post everyday since my sister in law sent me the link. Your are truly blessed to have such a little super hero like Liam. He is so adorable and so precious.
    Heavenly Father,please give this family another miracle,the first one was Liam. Please Lord I am asking you to heal this little ones body,make it completely healthy and whole in every way. Give this family strength,peace and comfort let them feel your presence Lord,I ask this in your Son Jesus holy name. Amen.

  4. I live in Ohio and found your blog via a Facebook friend. I've never before read a blog and I don't know why I even opened yours at first, but I have followed every day of your precious son's life. You are all constantly in my thoughts and prayers. It is obvious that Liam and your family are having an impact on the lives of more people than anyone will ever know. Your little boy has touched more lives in seven weeks than most people do in seventy years. I know he has a special place in my heart and I will never forget his journey.

  5. What a beautiful baby boy you have!! Thinking of you all often.......
