Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 30

Today was a nice quiet day for peanut! The only changes made today were his vent settings! They will adjust as tolerated. They base his decrease on his bloodwork which they do every 2-4 hours. they check his CO2, PO2 and his ph levels! If all is good they slowly change the settings. Hopefully this wean will be successful and he can get off it. The plan for Liam as of know is to wait till Friday for the decision if they want to do a thoracic duct ligation they will take him to the operating room and make incisions on the sides and clamp areas that are causing his drainage from his chest tubes! The chest tubes are still significantly draining and his left lung is still pretty junky. Plus the poor little guy has not had food in over 10 days! It's just a waiting game at this point for us to see what the plans will be in the future weeks! We had to say goodbye today to Grandma and Grandpa Mirone.. They made the decision to drive up in the middle of the night yesterday to be here before Liam went in for his heart cath! I don't know what I would do without my parents! I am so grateful for them and their support! Chris and I are so blessed to have the families that we have! It's always hard to see them go and I know it's hard for them to go' we just got to rip it off like a bandaid! If we don't no one will ever leave! It's so hard to say goodbye!

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