Thursday, September 6, 2012

10 days old

So today my man is 10 days old! It is easier for me to keep track by his age then the days of the journey. My brain is fried enough so trying to count out the days makes it a little difficult! Liam is not getting his weight off quick enough. His output of urine as slowed down and the peritoneal drain. So today the team got nephrology involved. Kidneys are working so hard to produce output that they decided to do some dialysis out of his drain!! Of course when I heard this I freaked. Thinking he is in renal failure nut the physician explained it as since he already has the drain in they might as well see if they can flush some fluid out to give his kidneys a break! It makes sense since we need our kidneys to survive let's not fry them out already!! My man is such a fighter, but sometimes I think he fights against us while we try to make him better! It took awhile to get everything right with the dialysis. Once in they flush 50 cc in, wait 40 minutes and hope when they flush out more will come out then what the put in. So Liam first two try gave us 9 cc out 3rd try negative 9. So when I left him tonight he was the same! I hope it works for him. His swelling is so bad and it has created so much pain. Every two hours they need to move him. When they do my heart aches, you usually see his back looks bruised because of the swelling behind so bad. The nurse did say some kids have a harder time getting fluid off. Going thru three heart procedures in 10 days. I am not surprised but can't go forward unless some comes off. No change in vent pressures because of it!! Today was a big milestone in the fact that he finally was able to get his feeding tube and begin milk. He is probably starving, another tube in his nose to add to his collection! Chris and I got involved with parent group today called medical play! You make a stuffed animal got represent what your child has gone thru so they can understand when they get older! We had so much fun. We named him Logan the Lion.......I know my buckeye fans will be disappointed but Logan is Wolverine in the X-- men and Liam is a Michigan fan and a superhero so it fit! We also made hope beads, each bead represents an event he has gone thru... Such as, surgery, intubation, iv, special people. Etc!! The activities they do for parents and their families are pretty awesome. They try to get us involved with something to help us cope! Chris has his special moments with Liam. He loves to hold his hand and watch over him. It is so sweet! Chris is already an amazing dad and we already knew an amazing husband! It's there daddy and son time That I let them share since we all know I am all over him 24/7 smelling him, kissing him, talking to him! I just can't get enough of him! He made a progress today not enough but we are still heading there. Leaving him at night is exhausting for both of us.. Tonight especially, he was so agitated and so uncomfortable that he showed it on his face! He crinkles up his nose and tries to cry. Which nothing comes out because of the tube but it breaks your heart! His heart continues to jump in and out of rhythm. I pray it stops doing that over the next day so no internal pacemaker is suggested. Keep him on the amiodarone to help with that! The days are long but they go fast!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep fighting, you all. You're a whole family of superheroes.
