Friday, September 14, 2012

18 days old

The hardest part of my day is rounding that corner to the PCTU to Liam's bed! We never know what the day has in store for us! We usually miss rounds with the physicians buy the nurses fill us in for the plan of the day! Last night Liam had a few rough hours! He stopped urinating and his secretions increased, his volumes on the vent a went down. A chest X-ray and an ultrasound did show his lungs having increased fluid from the day before making it harder for him to breath! So today my little guy had a chest tube placed in his right lung to help drain the fluid! They heavily sedate him for the procedure since they have to go thru muscle and the rib cage! He has so much edema that the physicians in the unit usually perform this procedure but they decided to get a surgeon involved instead! He did so great of course, he always does but I had a hard time with it! My heart is broken for him! He continues to have setbacks and additional scars continue to add up! Lets just say he slept away the whole day from all the meds! Since his urination diminished thru the night he gained weight! Only a few ounces but to him it's huge! His swelling was so much more then noticeable today. He just can't lose weight! Nephrology decided to increase his dialysis to help the fluid output! Hopefully this works! Today was not one of our best days but I got to come home to the best greeting! My first baby boy Parker came to visit! Grandma and grandpa Sugar came to visit this weekend and they brought my man to stay with us!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Angie! There are bound to be rough days, but as long as the good days outweigh the bad, he is on the right track! Know that there are many, many people out here praying for you every day- you are in God's hands, and there is no better place to be!

