Thursday, September 13, 2012

17 days old

My little boy is getting skinnier everyday. Which is out goal... The more fluid that comes off the lower the vent settings and closer to removing the breathing tube! His personality shines more and more everyday! They are slowly reducing his sedatives and pain meds so he becomes more interactive! He is the sweetest thing and all of the nurses love him but he has his attitude too! Sometimes he gets so upset when people mess with him he gags an throws up! Chris and I have a hard time watching it! Some of the things we see or experience are not easy to see! But who can blame him with everything he is going through! Thank god he will not remember any of it! Finally getting a good amount of feeds in. Today was kind of fun for Chris and I! We got to feed him, not the way you would think since he has a feeding tube! But we were able to hold the milk above his him in a vial while it drained thru his tube giving him a full belly! the little things we get to do mean so much! Someone dear to me reminded me that this is a marathon not a sprint! I need to remind myself of that and enjoy the good times! He is already 17 days old and it's gone so fast!

1 comment:

  1. He is a doll baby - the "Finger Hold" is a favorite of mine!
