Tuesday, September 11, 2012

15 days old

Liam decided he wanted to start the day off with a bang! I received a phone call at 6:30 this morning from a PCTU nurse that Liam was having SVT's. This is an arrhythmia where his heart was beating very fast! They said it got up to 300.... All of his vitals plummeted! They had to cardiovert him twice! Which is an electrical impulse to get it back in rhythm. They had to do it again at 8:00! When we got there at 9:00. I walked around that corner and my heart just broke! He was hooked up to machines, EKG's there was a box labeled ARREST BOX! Try seeing that next to your babies bed! They did not have to use it thank god but they had to go back up on his ventilator and they held his feedings all day! I felt like we took two steps back but the physicians swear he still is making progress just on Liam's terms! They started him back on amiodarone and dr. Fifer his cardiologist said he will most likely need to stay on an anti rhythmic drug orally once we leave! She was glad all this happened while he was still in the ICU so they could catch it quick because action immediately needs to take place! All day his heart continued to go in and out of rhythm.. Not significantly high like this morning but high enough that he needed to be paced with a machine to get back to normal sinus! ( this is like just overriding his heart). We have done this before! He would jump into normal rhythm for sometime then jump back out! Today was a long day! Chris and I did not leave his bedside all day! We didn't want to miss anything! He looked handsome as ever today but still has a lot of fluid on board! His belly still looks big to me but they all say he is slowly getting skinnier! It's all on Liam's terms!! When he is ready! when we left his heart had been in rhythm for over three hours and they were going to start to adjust the vent! The plan for tonight is to just continue to monitor and if needed could be paced as needed! My poor angel! I pray he has a good night and tomorrow can start a new day for us!

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