Saturday, November 24, 2012

Born and raised

I may have been born and raised a Buckeye fan but my heart is in Ann Arbor.....
GO BLUE!!!!! For Liam.


  1. I was at the game and I'm a big time Buckeye fan.....I thought of Liam today and of you too and I smiled. I knew you would be cheering for Michigan because of your precious little angel. Everything that the Doctors and nurses did in Ann Arbor for Liam and for you and your husband, they deserve that! A day doesn't go by that I don't think of Liam and of you and your family. Thoughts and prayers of strength and for you to have comfort again. Go Bucks! Or wait....Go Blue! I will only say those words for Liam and only Liam. :)

  2. Thank you so much for updating the blog (especially if it helps). know I don't know you personaly, but I check it all the time to see how you are doing. I can't imagine what it is like when the calls and visitors slow down. It's not fair. I hope you know you are never alone. I know you and Liam have touched so many people and have inspired strength, and that at any given moment, especially on the rough days, there are people who are thinking of you and praying, and taking some of the burden off your shoulders. You are the true definition of what a mother is, and an example of what many only hope to be. A mother stands up to "monsters" and scary things. A mother never lets her child know there is something to be frightened of. A mother makes sure everything will be okay. A mother is the bravest person of all. And you are amazing. Thank you.

  3. Just want you to know you are in my thoughts every hour of every day. I lay awake at night thinking of you and Liam and praying God gives me your pain. I get these claustrophobic feelings throughout the day and I truly feel its yours. Liam's life amazes me beyond words. It's awesome how he did more in 78 days than most do in 78 years!!! Thank you so much for sharing your angel. You amaze me. I continue to read your previous blog posts and admire your faith and love. I try and let my spirit lead me to what exactly I need to be praying for you and Chris each day. Most of the time I know and the words come. Pls if there is anything in particular you need prayer for, share. I will keep you and Liam in my heart and my prayers forever. Life is so temporary, but you will get an eternity with Liam! John 16:33

  4. Last night, I was sitting alone the therapy dept I work in listening to a Christmas station on Pandora while I worked on paperwork and I heard a song that brought tears (some happy, some sad) to my eyes because it reminded me of how you described Liam fianlly being at peace. It also reminded me of how you and Chris seemed to face the challenges of LIam's life in a similar manner to how Mary and Joseph approached Jesus' life. They too knew that their son was destined to change the lives of so many people--despite the pain it would cause to him and them. The song was Joseph's Lullaby by Mercy Me. It was such a sweet, peaceful song. I continue to pray that comfort and peace find you and Chris.


  5. You continue to be in our hearts and our prayers. May God give you comfort and hold you in his arms.
