Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 75

I received this from someone today that wrote on my blog! I wish I knew your name, this poem has touched my heart more then I could tell you. Thank you for sending this to me. All of it is so true. Through all of the sadness and heartache I would have never have changed any of it. Everyday and every second of everyday that Liam is here on earth has been a miracle. He has touched all of our lives.

. I Still Would Have Chosen You ~By Terri Banish

If before you were born, I could have gone to Heaven and saw all the beautiful souls, I still would have chosen you...
If God had told me, "This soul would one day need extra care and needs", I still would have chosen you.
If He had told me, "This soul may make your heart bleed", I still would have chosen you.
If He had told me, "This soul would make you question the depth of your faith", I still would have chosen you.
If He had told me, "This soul would make tears flow from your eyes that could fill a river", I still would have chosen you.
If He had told me, "This soul may one day make you witness overbearing suffering", I still would have chosen you.
If He had told me, "All that you know to be normal would drastically change", I still would have chosen you.
Of course, even though I would have chosen you, I know it was God who chose me for you.
I write this blog to all of you while I lay from Liam's hospital bed. Nurse Jenna had an amazing idea to get a big boy bed for him so we could be close to him and cuddle him. It was so cute at one point today. He woke up while I lay staring at him and it was almost like he said wow mom watch my personal space. He has the best expressions.
He spiked another fever last night. His weight is down. He is still significantly swollen but his eyes are finally his eyes if that makes sense. Our plan at this point is to see how he does over the weekend and re echo him on Monday and check the blood clot again. Obviously at this point we are going to let God be in control and love up on our little boy the most we can over the weekend. We want to celebrate Liam !


  1. I'm so glad that you're in such an awesome facility w/nurses that go above and beyond the call of duty. And yay for getting to love on that little sweet pea even more! You all remain in my prayers throughout ever single day.

  2. My name is Kindle Page; I'm a friend of Dawn Biegenwald. I posted the poem. I've been following Liam's journey since she shared with me the story of a baby boy fighting everyday to live. While I've never met you, I feel like I know your heart. I admire your strength and courage. You are the mom that I strive everyday to be-I have an 8 month old son. I pray for Liam and your whole family everyday. May God bless you all.

  3. "I lived in the gray & she colored me in with nothing but three small words. She touched my face, smiled, & said you are loved" Liam is certainly loved & cared for, I pray for him everyday.

  4. Hi Angie, Chris, and Sweet Little Liam! Please know that each and every one of us at First Place in Poland and Struthers are praying for you ALL each and every day!! We love reading your blog, and we smile and cry right along with you! We hope to be able to see all of you real soon, and be able to see your beautiful little boy in person-he is soooo sweet!
    The prayers will continue and we send our love to you all! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!
    Kari, Kathy, Mary, Leann, Shary, Kayla, Christina, Karen, Beth, Brandi, and Rhonda.

  5. I pray for you guys all the time cause i know it would kill me if something this tragic happened to me im only 14 but i understand god has special plans for your baby Liam i told evrry body to pray for you guys i know that i am....god has big plans for you i promise...

  6. "his eyes are finally his eyes" makes total sense. I have been in a somewhat similar situation and know exactly what you mean. Moments are lifetimes, and for all we know, Liam is living more in these moments than many of us will our entire lives.

  7. Praying for you and your family and of course for your superhero Liam. God bless

  8. Praying that Our Dear Lord heals you Liam. You have been in my prayers every single days since you were many people praying for you and for your mother and father. You have touched my heart and soul so are loved so much. God Bless.
