Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 72

Daddy read him a book tonight and it was the cutest thing ever! Some quality Liam/daddy time!
The day was not a bad day! He did have some fluctuating blood pressures today but his albumin was low, he has been urinating so well that it is drying him out so he needs fluid replacement. Even though he is putting out a lot he gained weight last night. It's all such a vicious cycle.
Main thing with Liam is to get his pain under control. They had to increase some more of his meds overnight and he seemed much more at ease today.
Tomorrow is a big day for him. His surgeon is going to replace his wound vac and take a look at his incision. I pray super hard to the heavens above that she feels it is looking better. We have not gone this far for not proper healing of his body from the last Open heart. It will be two weeks tomorrow already since his surgery. My Prayers tonight.... Our Heavenly Father, thank you for all you have given us and forgive us of our sins. Thank you for our Liam and all that he is. Please god heal his body let us receive some hopeful news tomorrow. Let him continue to fight this battle. Hold him tightly in your arms and give him some squeezes, help him with losing more weight and hold his lungs in your hands to help him breath better and wean on his ventilator and get a good chest X-ray. Stable out his blood pressures so they can wean on his meds. Please don't let him feel pain. Help him by your love to keep him comfortable. Through this whole journey, we have never wanted him to have pain, please help him, hold him. I know Lord I ask for so much but we believe in you. We all believe in the power of prayer along with miracles. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Amen


  1. Heavenly Father I call on you right now in a special way. It is through your power that we are created. Every breath we take every morning we wake & every moment of every hour I feel your power. Touch Liam with that same power. You have created us from nothing, you certainly can recreate him. Fill Liam with the healing Power of your Spirit.. Cast out anything that should not be in him...mend what is broken... root out any unproductive cells. Let the warmth of your healing love pass through Liams body to make new any unhealthy areas so that Liam's body may function the way it is created to function. Lord I ask that you bring Liam to full health so that he may serve you the rest of his life. I ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ... God bless you Karen

  2. Karen has sent up such a beautiful prayer that I can add nothing more except my heartfelt prayer that Liam is touched and healed as Karen has requested, as so many are requesting. Guide Liam's caregivers in their day to day efforts and in their extraordinary efforts. Bless this family, bring them peace and physical healing. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen

  3. In agreement in prayer with Karen.Amen.

  4. So be it, Lord, let it be done to the glory of your Son and our Saviour.

  5. God Speed baby superhero! Mary in NY

  6. Angie, Chris and little Liam,

    I have been following your blog since a friend shared it on facebook asking for prayers back on day 43. I saw the second picture and Liam has had me hook line and sinker since then. As part of my nightly routine I check in with my little man (aka, read your blog). My heart and prayers go out to you all. Liam is certainly a Superhero! He has changed many lives, I know he has changed mine as have you and Chris. You are so strong, brave, and courageous. I truly admire you and appreciate you sharing your story. You are an inspiration. Know that you have lots of people praying for you, prayers go up every night. I hope Liam will stop being stubborn and use his super powers already and recover! He is so darn cute, can not get over how much he changed over the past month. You can see his personality come through on the pictures. Stay strong and know God has a plan for everyone. We do not often understand it but there are reasons for it. Prayers for Liam, you, and Chris.

  7. I started reading your blog, after a friend posted it on Facebook, and I am sending many prayers for Liam. May God Bless him and you all as you are so courageous.

  8. Still praying for Liam and that he continues to defy the odds and is comfortable while doing so!! Also, praying for you and Chris and everyone close to you so that you all continue to have the strength to get through each day!! There are so many people rooting for Liam and he had inspires us all everyday as do you all!! Keep fighting!!! <3 The Saxon family
