Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 76

Liam had his wound vac changed today and his incision is healing nicely. He tolerated the change well. Still having fevers off and on today. They do come down with Tylenol. Still having Bp issues. Especially when he is heavily sedated. But overall today was restful. He would wake up like himself and interact with us then peacefully fall back to sleep.
I sat on his bed today and we had story time. I put him to sleep along with Chris and mom. I love days like today. They prove that every moment with him is a miracle.
My dad and Aunt Amanda came up this evening. We love when our families blend with our PCTU family.


  1. You..Mama..are so beautiful with your son! Daddy and son are precious as well :)
    You all deserve more than anything to be together back home..we will keep praying for good news everyday!

  2. LOVE how Liam is staring up at his mommy :) Made my heart fill with warmth--he knows hes loved that's for sure!

  3. Oh my goodness! How precious is daddy and son picture! Mommy just glows in each picture with Liam! God bless you all.

  4. Love the picture of Chris sleeping in Liam's favorite position!!! Two handsome men!!!!

  5. Praying for Laim and your family!! He is such a sweet looking boy :)

  6. angie i love the look in your eyes it is a face full of LOVE we pray for u always

  7. I just traveled to your page from my cousin Maggie. And let me tell you, I am in tears with a broken heart reading this... Liam is SO gorgeous, and SO loved, and YOU are an amazing mother, Angie. I am praying for your family. Always have more faith than fear... we lift you all up in prayer. <3 Liam.
