Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Prayer For Liam

Hi Everyone!  This is Angie's sister, Dana!  I will be updating Angie's blog over the next few days to keep everyone up-to-date on everything!  We are all in MI now and Angie's c-section is scheduled for 9am tomorrow.
I wanted to share a prayer that was read and written by Sara Dickey at our fundraiser last Sunday!  Please keep Angie, Chris, and Baby Liam in your prayers!

Let us bring our hands to our neighbors & know that love is the reason for our gathering today.
This love is alive in all of us & together we walk for the love of Angie & Chris's heart.
May this love be returned back to Liam's family & friends.
We ask today to have our sights set in the realm of faith.
As Hebrew 11.1 assures, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
So let us be certain today that this little boy has brought us together to grow our faith & our love.
With each step we travel today we move towards the miracle of Liam's birth.
We ask that our union today would radiantly create hope & restoration.
We have been awaiting Liam's coming and in the center of that waiting we have discovered patience, compassion, gratitude, community, and humility.
We ask that these gifts of the Spirit travel into each of our lives today, and may we remember that it is in these times that we are never more sweetly held.
Liam's life has joined our hearts in love & we pray that as his birth approached his love will will help us to shine our own lights.
Liam has brought us into the realm of nature today to expect, or to look forward to his arrival.
May we utter blessings in our conversations, and may our prayers be that thanksgiving.
May we notice the beauty of nature and truly be present for its miracles.
Liam's name meaning "Strong Willed Warrior" gives us purpose as we take each step today.
So today, let us celebrate him and let us close with a blessing upon Liam & his family.
May the Lord bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you peace.
~Number 6: 24-26 NLT

Thank you all for your support!  We are so blessed to have so many people in our lives that love Angie, Chris, & Liam.  I read a quote on a blog that I follow that really touched me and I will keep it close to my heart over the next few days.  
"Remove any of your fear with faith.
                  Trust the power of God to guide you"
taken from here

1 comment:

  1. We have been praying so hard!!! Will be praying at 9am and continue all day!! Thanks for keeping us posted!!! We send our love. It's all in His hands!
