All I know is I have felt the comfort of prayer and the strength it gives you to complete a simple task of just getting out of bed in the morning.
And Chris and I and our families need to feel that prayer now more then ever. And I know there are so many powerful prayer warriors out there and I am reaching out today for those prayers.
Oliver Kent Sugar was born Friday, February 28, 2014 at 4:57pm. Weighing in at 5 ounces and
7 1/2 inches long. He was so perfect with 10 fingers and 10 toes with a perfect nose and beautiful lips. He had a resemblance of his big brother Liam which we will cherish for eternity.
Oliver unfortunately passed away due to a cord accident and because of it our worlds again have been turned upset down.
Our only peace is knowing our two perfect little boys are together spending eternity with each other.